Saturday, November 21, 2009

Describe getting a christmas tree with your family as a child, and as an adult.

We never had one as a child.  After Moner married Earnest and Phil's dad, he cut a tree and brought it in.  It had no decorations that I recall.  We didn't have electricity eith, probably couldn't afford it if we had.  We lived so far out there was none out there.  The first one I remember was after we moved to Pleasant Drive.  We bought a silver tree and had a color wheel run by electricity with three or four colors that shone on the tree.  Then we bought an artificial green tree.  I liked the artificial trees the best because they don't shed.  I think we had a live one once or twice.

1 comment:

  1. What artificial trees don't shed? Then something is wrong with mine b/c I have needles everywhere. And the garland needles....ugh
    I know they don't shed as much. And they don't die either (:
