Friday, October 23, 2009

Were you responsible for any household chores growing up? Favorite and least favorite.

Washing dishes, and putting away folded clothes.  But that was later in the two-story house after the war we had a few more, hand-me-downs from cousins.  Taking care of Carolyn, and Barbara.  After Moner came home from the hospital from having Edward.  I had a real sore finger, the nail came off.  She said I was depending on you to wash diapers.  I was probably glad my finger was sore.  I don't know why I remember that but I do.  I don't know if I had a favorite or not, probably sweeping the floor.  Least favorite having to warch others.  It kept me from doing things I wanted to do.  Going to the grocery store was another chore.  I would always run there and back.  Moner would say you don't have to run.  I didn't mind that though.

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